İçme Suyu Arıtma Tesisi Cevtek Arıtma

Drinking Water Treatment Plant

Establishment of Drinking Water Treatment Plants is of great importance in order to make the water, which is the main source of life, drinkable by obtaining it from the water resources available in nature. The purpose of the disposal of drinking water is to make the water suitable for its intended use. The water resources available in nature, with some exceptions, are not suitable for direct use for drinking, domestic and industrial water needs. Therefore, it is necessary to pass the water through a purification process.

It is possible to divide the desired and undesirable characteristics of drinking and utility water into five groups.

  • The water should be odorless, colorless, clear and refreshing to drink.
  • Water should not contain microorganisms that cause disease
  • The water should not contain any harmful chemical substances.
  • Must be in accordance with the purpose of using water.
  • The water should not be aggressive.

The disposal processes to be applied in order to make the water taken from a source suitable for the purposes of use depend on the characteristics of the water source. Water resources can be examined in two classes as underground water resources and surface waters. The quality of groundwater does not change much over time, its color grades and turbidity are low. However, they contain large amounts of dissolved substances. Surface waters are the waters taken from rivers, lakes, dams and embankments, and the water quality shows great changes over time, and its color and turbidity are high.

In addition, surface waters may be contaminated with domestic and industrial used water. Therefore, substances such as organic substances, flavor and odorants, phenols, detergents, metals can also be found in surface waters. These situations should be taken into consideration when designing the disposal facilities. In the selection of existing water resources, the amount and quality of the water, the distance to the place where the water will be supplied, the possibilities of disposal, seasonal changes in the amount and quality of the water should be taken into account. Moreover, considering the cost of the unit volume of water, the source that gives the cheapest solution should be preferred. In the event that one source cannot meet the water need and the need for water is met from many sources, the most appropriate solution should be found in drinking water treatment by using optimization techniques.